Melt into the discomfort


My guide le frog, mini-mixed media collage, JENNIFER

It isn’t that I can’t sleep.  I’m just not sleep yet and it’s getting late enough that I’ll feel this tomorrow.

I’m thinking about the moment — surrendering to the moment, that is.  My moment is uncomfortable to put it mildly. My mister and I are maturing as people (which is nice), growing into our individual purpose (which feels like being a teenager again), and managing a little money that has to cover a lot of things (which is what it is.)

All of this has to happen like this.

Tonight I need to declare my surrender and trust in the universe.  And so I declare it with open hands and a trusting heart.  I release my plans and expectations.  I feel a little nervous because I prefer not to get another knock on the ass, but I trust.

I trust.

I trust.

Are you in an uncomfortable moment?  

Can you melt into it?



A tiny box of sadness

Home, mixed-media, tiny original, JENNIFER

Home, mixed-media, tiny original, JENNIFER

I shared this on Facebook of all places.  My mother will surely have her input.  I wanted to share it with you too:

Today I woke up sad.

It felt like a tiny little box of sadness settled in my soul, so I decided to open it up (metaphorically) and I found this message: Love yourself through your sadness. Walk slowly through it — it’s a part of the path to letting go. With every step, expectations of what “should” be fall away and your grip of control over the outcome is loosened. Where control is released, gigantic space for miracles (or happy occurrences that are more awesome than you expected, if you aren’t into the miracle thing) is opened up.

Be kind to yourself.



The cosmic shake down?: Open talk on the advice to spend money to manifest money, pt. 1

Let’s have an open talk on the advice to spend money to manifest money.

It sounds like a cosmic shake down to me:  You want — really need — some cash?  Watcha gonna give?  Who’s book on money magic are ya gonna buy? And then, you better spend it out of the right place in your heart, because if you’re giving to get, then you’re out of luck and that $10 investment in your financial well-being.  Universe Dearest, is that you?

Where’s the right place in your heart when your back is against the wall and you’re feeling the squeeze of not having enough? Or maybe you have enough to live, but not enough to pursue your dreams and a blind leap ain’t an option right now.

And just to be fair, that advice isn’t limited to us liberal, woo, new age-y types.  I spent a lot of my 20’s in some wild churches.  (I know…you don’t hear that a lot about the 20’s do you?!) Preachers encouraged attendees to jump up and down three times, give $50 to the building fund, write checks equaling the amount of their need… It’s all of bad financial advice with the promise that God will respond with buckets of cash if you just get it right.  That getting it right part absolves the guru of any responsibility and places it square in your failed-to-give-from-the-right-place heart. When money doesn’t show up, it feels like God/the Universe is playing games with your heart. You’re left wondering what went wrong or where the malice in your heart is that is causing the block to your financial flow.

You know what: There’s nothing wrong with your heart and there isn’t a game in the cosmos.  Stop giving/spending cash you don’t have. 

That’s not just bad spiritual practice, it’s terrible money advice.  You can’t give from a depleted source…it only creates more lack among other problems.

Instead of giving what you don’t have, start with giving yourself and your higher power the truth about how you’re feeling about your financial situation.

  • Go to the space in your body where you hold your tension.
  • Pull the cover off your feelings — your shame, your fear, your anger…whatever is in there.
  • Open it all up.
  • Pour it all out…write it, pray, speak it…however you do your thing.

You can handle it. God can handle it.

Clearing out the junk clears the block and opens you up to flow.  

As you open up, you’ll find that you’re guided in how you give of yourself and your money.  You’ll get clarity (and keep getting clarity) on the root of your money issues.  You’ll be guided in what books or other resources will help you create and manage your money, rather than spending money in search of magic. You’ll find that money itself begins to flow toward you instead of rushing away…which is how you feel when you’re pockets are hurtin’. 

I want to stop here for now.  There are some weeds in the yard that are calling my name and I want to let this sit for a minute.

What are your thoughts/experiences on manifesting money?

I’d love to hear from you!

Peace, love and abundance to you,
