Making Space: Art for sale! and disappointing my mother

I’m feeling the need to make space so I’m having an art sale in my shop! The price of every item has been reduced and includes shipping. 

I’m making space for back-to-school necessities, art supplies, and dreams.  I’m making space to create flow and room to breathe.

Creativity needs room to breathe.


I’m also afraid that I’m disappointing my mother, ha! I publicly shared my painting of a nude figure for the first time and there’s this part of me that thinks, “Oh gosh, my mother.” My mother is a fantastic woman.  In fact, she’s on her way to bring me medicine for my back (and hopefully a chai soy latte) as I type.  In return for her beautiful spirit, I paint nudes!  Why God!

But I can’t resist the call to paint raw and nude. There will only be more from here and I’m so excited about it.  The other night I dreamt of faces of people from different cultures smiling at me. I felt a deep connection to them.  I think the connection was owning my truth and self-expression.


My mom would laugh at this and say, “You’re such a rebel.”  I love that woman.

Please do check out the sale if you feel compelled.  Each of the paintings here is available for $27 and $10 respectively (not the journal piece.)  I’ll also be adding item’s over the next several days, so keep checking ❤wpid-2014-07-25-10.48.41.jpg.jpeg